Islamic Way of Life – Educating Islamic lifestyle to our generations a priority for our next generation

The abolition of the guardianship of Muslims, the Khilafah and the rise of globalization over the past 100 years have deeply eroded the Islamic identity. Most of the Muslims have wholeheartedly adopted Western lifestyles, Western ways, even in their ‘Islamic’ Schools, distancing themselves from Islamic values.

At Madrasatul Muslimeen,
We prioritize reviving and preserving the Islamic way of life. Therefore, we emphasize instilling Islamic values in speech, behavior, dressing, daily activities, and in the mindset of the next generations, Bi-Iznillah!


Together we







At Madrasatul Muslimeen, we embrace innovative approaches to education. That’s why health education is one of our specialties.

Advancements in technology have profoundly transformed our lifestyle, as well as the food and medicine industries. In light of these changes, we prioritize health education for the next generation to ensure their well-being.

“Allah Ajja Wa Jalla loves the Strong Muslim”

(Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2664)

Therefore, at Madrasatul Muslimeen, we place a strong emphasis on Islamic health education for our students. We believe that building a generation for Islamic revival requires nurturing a health-conscious and spiritually grounded community, prepared to thrive in all aspects of life.”

We cover a total education for a Muslim child. Therefore, we teach the following Subjects:

(01) Quran Hifz
(02) Arabic Language.

:|: Subjects on Islamic Studies :|:
(03) Aqeedah
(04) Shariah
(05) Fiqh
(06) Ebadah
(07) Ethics and Morals
(08) Islamic History & Story

:|: General Subjects :|:
(09) Mathematics
(10) Science
(11) English
(12) Geography
(13) History
(14) Life Skill (Technology)
(15) Life Skill (Trading/ Business)
(16) Creativity

:|: Subjects on Islamic Lifestyle :|:
(17) Islamic Mindset & Mindfulness
(18) Deen Study Habit for Life
(19) Health Study – the Islamic Way
(20) Nature Studies (Islam & Science)
(21) Islamic Sports & Entertainment