Understanding the Status of the Ummah and the corruption of the fostering ground:
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam predicted a time when the Ummah would face humiliation. He identified one of the root causes of this degradation due to the attachment of the heart of the Muslims to Dunya. He similitude this state of the Ummah to the foam of the ocean—abundant yet hollow, without substance or value.
(Sahih: Related by Abu Dawud (no. 4297), Ibn ‘Asakirin in Tarikh Dimashq (2/97/8) and others. It was authenticated by Al-Albani in As-Sahihah (no. 958)
Today, the public school system and most of the so-called Muslim schools, through their curriculum and activities, perpetuate this condition, embedding materialism in our children’s hearts, steering them away from their true purpose of life.
Our Response:
In response to this, we have committed ourselves to a mission of nurturing and healing the hearts of our youth, guiding them back towards the eternal goal of Jannah, En Shaa Allah!
Our Vision:
Attaching the HEART of our students towards Jannah through mindfulness and a thriving Islamic environment.
At Madrasatul Muslimeen,
we are dedicated to cultivating an environment that fosters spiritual growth and intellectual development, ensuring our children are equipped to thrive in both this world and the Hereafter. Through a holistic approach to education, we aim to restore the true essence of Eeman and purpose, Al-Jannah, in the hearts of our young ones.